AUTO2000 Plugin

AUTO2000 Introduction

The AUTO2000 plugin serves as a front-end for the AUTO2000 library, which is a library for continuation and bifurcation problems in ordinary differential equations 1.

Current limitations: Multiple continuation parameters are not supported, i.e. only one parameter can be selected for any continuation problem.

Available properties in the auto2000 plugin are documented in the next section.

1 AUTO2000 by Eusebius J. Doedel , Randy C. Paffenroth, Alan R. Champneys, Thomas F. Fairgrieve, Yuri A. Kuznetsov, Bart E. Oldeman, Bj�rn Sandstede and Xianjun Wang. See

AUTO2000 Plugin Properties

The AUTO library has numerous properties that have been wrapped and made available to a plugin client. Each property is listed below with its data type, default value and a short description. For the exact usage and a more in detail description please consult the main AUTO2000 manual.

The following properties are used internally by the auto library. Depending on the problem at hand, they may need to be tweaked.

  1. SBML: SBML document as a string. Model to be used by AUTO

  2. TempFolder: Folder used by auto and the plugin for saving temporary files. Takes a string

  3. KeepTempFiles: Boolean indicating if temporary files should be deleted after an AUTO session or not. Default is ‘False’

  4. ScanDirection: Parameter instructing AUTO how to sweep its principal continuation parameter. Either ‘Positive’ or ‘Negative’. Default is ‘Positive’

  5. PrincipalContinuationParameter: The principal continuation parameter (PCP) is the first parameter that AUTO will sweep. Currently only one parameter is supported, which by default is the PCP. Takes a string

  6. BifurcationPoints: This integer vector holds the exact point number (in the sequence of all output data) for an AUTO solution point. It can be used together with the labels in the bifurcationlabels property to assist in plotting a bifurcation diagram.

  7. BifurcationLabels: The string list holds the AUTO designated solution type label for a solution point, as found in the bifurcationpoints property. Consult the AUTO documentation for possible label types and their meaning

  8. BifurcationData: The BifurcationData property holds the bifurcation diagram after a session. The first column contains the values of the selected parameter, and successive columns are selected species

  9. fort2: Property containing the content of the AUTO temporary file, fort.2. Fort.2 is the input file for AUTO and created by the plugin

  10. fort3: Property containing the content of the AUTO temporary file, fort.3. The content of fort.3 file is undocumented in AUTO’s documentation

  11. fort6: Property containing the content of the AUTO temporary file, fort.6. The content of fort.6 file is a bifurcation session summary

  12. fort7: Property containing the content of the AUTO temporary file, fort.7. The content of fort.7 file is a bifurcation diagram on success

  13. fort8: Property containing the content of the AUTO temporary file, fort.8. The content of fort.8 file contain various statistics from the session

  14. fort9: Property containing the content of the AUTO temporary file, fort.8. Diagnostic messages, convergence history, eigenvalues, and Floquet multipliers are written in fort.9

  15. NDIM: The NDIM property correspond to the dimension of the system of equations

  16. IPS: Constant defining the problem type

  17. IRS: This constant sets the label of the solution where the computation is to be restarted.

  18. ILP: Fold detection; 1=ON, 0=OFF

  19. NICP: Property denoting the number of free parameters

  20. ICP: Free parameters

  21. NTST: The number of mesh intervals

  22. NCOL: The number of collocation points per mesh interval

  23. IAD: Mesh adaption every IAD steps; 0=OFF

  24. ISP: Bifurcation detection; 0=OFF, 1=BP(FP), 3=BP(PO,BVP), 2=all

  25. ISW: Branch switching: 1=normal, -1=switch branch (BP, HB, PD), 2=switch to two-parameter continuation (LP, BP, HB, TR) 3=switch to three-parameter continuation (BP)

  26. IPLT: This constant allows redefinition of the principal solution measure, which is printed as the second (real) column in the fort.7 output-file. See AUTO manual for possible settings

  27. NBC: Number of boundary conditions

  28. NINT: Number of integral conditions

  29. NMX: Maximum number of steps

  30. RL0: The lower bound on the principal continuation parameter

  31. RL1: The upper bound on the principal continuation parameter

  32. A0: The lower bound on the principal solution measure

  33. A1: The upper bound on the principal solution measure

  34. NPR: Save the solution in the solution file every NPR continuation steps

  35. MXBF: Automatic branch switching for the first MXBF bifurcation points if IPS=0, 1

  36. IID: Control diagnostic output; 0=none, 1=little, 2=normal, 4=extensive

  37. ITMX: Maximum number of iterations for locating special solutions/points

  38. ITNW: Maximum number of correction steps

  39. NWTN: Corrector uses full newton for NWTN steps

  40. JAC: User defines derivatives; 0=no, 1=yes

  41. EPSL: Property setting the convergence criterion for parameters

  42. EPSU: Property setting the convergence criterion for solution components

  43. EPSS: Property setting the convergence criterion for special points

  44. DS: Session start step size

  45. DSMIN: Minimum continuation step size

  46. DSMAX: Maximum continuation step size

  47. IADS: Step size adaption every IADS steps; 0=OFF

  48. NTHL: The number of modified parameter weights (for BVP)

  49. THL: List of parameter weights

  50. NTHU: The number of modified solution component weights (for BVP)

  51. THU: List of solution weights

  52. NUZR: The number of user output points specified

  53. UZR: List of values for user defined output

The execute Function

The execute() function will start a bifurcation session. Depending on the problem at hand, the algorithm may run for a long time. The execute() method supports a boolean argument indicating if the execution of the plugin work will be done in a thread, or not. If set to false, i.e. executing execute(false), the function will be a blocking function and will not return until the plugin work is done. If it is set to true, the execute(true) will return immediately and the plugin work will be executed in a thread. The user can use the isPluginDone(plugin) to query the status of the plugin progression. The inThread argument defaults to false.

AUTO2000 Plugin Events

The auto2000 plugin uses all of the available plugin events, i.e. the PluginStarted, PluginProgress and the PluginFinished events. The available data variables for each event are internally treated as pass through variables, so any data, for any of the events, assigned prior to the plugins execute function (in the assignOn() family of functions), can be retrieved unmodified in the corresponding event function.

  1. PluginStarted: Signals to application that the plugin has started applying noise on data. Both parameters are pass through parameters and are unused internally by the plugin.

  2. PluginProgress: Communicates progress of noise generation. Both parameters are pass through parameters and are unused internally by the plugin.

  3. PluginFinished: Signals to application that execution of the plugin has finished. Both parameters are pass through parameters and are unused internally by the plugin.

Python examples

The following Python script illustrates how the auto plugin can be invoked, how to set its properties and finally how to plot a bifurcation diagram.

from rrplugins import *

    sbmlModel ="BIOMD0000000203.xml"
    auto = Plugin("tel_auto2000")

    #Setup Auto Propertys
    auto.setProperty("SBML", readAllText(sbmlModel))

    #Auto specific properties
    auto.setProperty("ScanDirection", "Positive")
    auto.setProperty("PrincipalContinuationParameter", "A")
    auto.setProperty("PCPLowerBound", 10)
    auto.setProperty("PCPUpperBound", 200)

    #Max numberof points
    auto.setProperty("NMX", 5000)

    #Execute the plugin

    # Bifurcation summary
    print("Summary: " + auto.BifurcationSummary)

    #Plot Bifurcation diagram
    pts     = auto.BifurcationPoints
    lbls    = auto.BifurcationLabels
    biData  = auto.BifurcationData

    biData.plotBifurcationDiagram(pts, lbls)


except Exception as e:
    print("There was a problem: " + `e`)