Building the Documentation


Please familiarize yourself with our Git Workflow before attempting to add to or build the docs yourself. If you are not, there is a high probability that you will break something, or just get frustrated.

Quick instructions

  1. Make sure you are on the gh-pages branch. Changes to the docs source should have been merged into this branch from develop.


Adding documentation source code to the gh-pages branch means that the gh-pages branch will need to be merged with develop. Failure to do so dramatically increases the likelihood of a merge conflict somewhere down the line, since the gh-pages will contain

  1. Configure the roadrunner cmake system using the -DBUILD_DOCS=ON flag

  2. Build the roadrunner-docs-sphinx target.

This basically will run the commands needed for running doxygen and sphinx.

For example:

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install-mac-rel \
    -DRR_DEPENDENCIES_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Users/ciaranwelsh/Documents/libroadrunner-deps/install-clang13-rel \
    -DLLVM_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Users/ciaranwelsh/Documents/llvm-13.x/llvm-13.x-clang11.0.3-x64-release \
    -DPython_ROOT_DIR=/Users/ciaranwelsh/miniconda3/envs/py39 \
    -DSWIG_EXECUTABLE=/Users/ciaranwelsh/Documents/swig-4.0.2/swig \
cmake --build . --target roadrunner-docs-sphinx --config Release


Github hosts our documentation. It does so off of the gh-pages branch, and specifically the <roadrunner-root>/docs subfolder. The homepage of our documentation is the index.html of the docs subfolder, but this only redirects to <roadrunner-root>/docs/docs-build/index.html. Therefore, the docs-build folder is where all the action happens. When you build the roadrunner-docs-sphinx target, you are using Python’s Sphinx library to create a documentation website (using sphinx-build) and storing it in the docs-build directory, which is served as a website by github.

Because our documentation is hosted on the gh-pages branch, care must be taken with version control when updating the documentation. Specifically, you should commit documentation source code to your feature branch and this should gradually make its way to the gh-pages branch after merging with develop. Please see our Git Workflow page if any of this sounds unfamiliar.

Roadrunner is a C++ library with a C and Python front end. The C and C++ code is documented using the standard doxygen tool, whilst the Python front end is documented using Sphinx. Furthermore, we make use of a Python package called Breathe for bridging the gap between Doxygen and Sphinx which are the two standard documentation systems for C/C++ and Python respectively.

In short, doxygen reads the docstrings from C/C++ code and saves them to XML which is pulled into documentation that can be rendered by Sphinx using directives from Breathe. Whilst rendering the documentation into html is handled by sphinx, we still maintain and provide access to the doxygen generated documentation.

When roadrunner is built with the -DBUILD_DOCS=ON flag, two new cmake targets are presented to the developer:
  • roadrunner-docs-doxygen

  • roadrunner-docs-sphinx.

Since the roadrunner-docs-sphinx target depends on the roadrunner-docs-doxygen target, cmake will always make sure to build the roadrunner-docs-doxygen target before it builds the roadrunner-docs-doxygen target.


You will need Sphinx, Doxygen and some python packages
  • pip install sphinx breathe sphinxcontrib-bibtex sphinx-tabs sphinx_rtd_theme


Make sure you either install doxygen in a default location (i.e. already on the PATH) or that you add the path to the doxygen executable to the PATH environment variable so cmake can find it.


Sometimes cmake finds a different version of Python installed on your system compared to what you were expecting. Therefore, if cmake complains that it cannot locate “sphinx-build” you can provide this manually with:


Make sure that this sphinx-build is from the same python version you are using to build roadrunner. This is particularly important when building with conda. You can control which version of Python is found by using -DPython_ROOT_DIR=/full/path/to/python/root. For example, if you want to use the python inside the conda environment here at /Users/ciaranwelsh/miniconda/envs/py38/bin/python then the Python executable is located at:


and its root is
